Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Installation Update

This is an update to my installation setup. The monitors have been broken up into groups of four. Each grouping will act as an independent piece but will also contribute to the overall installation and idea. The t.v.s on the right and left will be playing 2 dvds each, and each dvd will be split to play onto 2 of the televisions.

I coupled footage of sky transportation with footage of train and subway transportation as one piece and and footage of people with footage of cars as the other piece. I coupled the themes in this manner because I think aesthetically it will make the most sense as well as the type of transport. Train travel and air travel is more organized and usually suited for longer voyages. People (or being on foot) coupled with cars shows a more sporadic and spontaneous conditions for transport and thus work well together.

The projector image on the back wall will consist of 4 online videos created from a mixture of all the other footage. These shots playing on the projector are typically longer and perhaps slower moving than the shots on the tvs. Since the projection videos will be embedded over a fake outside window, a slower pace can bring a viewer more easily into a long gaze.


-Furniture was previously planned to be installed. It is still an option but space issues would need to be looked at.

-Computer or Ipod could be placed in room to be playing tracks of the footage. Concern is I don't want this to look like afterthoughts nor do I want it to look tacky in the context. Pluses to it though it acknowledges the explosion of pda's.